In India, gaming content has gone to fresh new levels and transformed itself into an inseparable part of both entertainment and social networks. This cultural revolution...
The Malayalam movie Sookshmadarshini, featuring Basil Joseph and Nazriya Nazim, was greeted with strong first-day praises on Thursday. The movie is directed by Jithin M.C and...
On 21 Nov, the world’s best broadcasters took charge of the Dolby Theatre located in Los Angeles at the start of the MAMA Awards or Mnet...
Do you want to learn about the OTT releases this week? Well, get excited because this week’s list is characterized by great adventures, heart-wrenching dramas, and...
The Indian Premier League (IPL) 2025 is set to take place from November 24 and 25 in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The 10 franchises...
YouTube has become the place where the cultural taste of billions can be found. The struggle to win over subscribers in 2024 is greater than in...
Thanks to social media and the rising trend – these are the cosmetic procedures requiring minimal or no downtime. The scenes around celebrity plastic surgery seem...
Are you in search of a new podcast to entertain yourself? There’s no need to take another look! The year 2024 has been superb for the...
Oscar-winning composer A.R. Rahman and his spouse Saira Banu have parted ways after 29 years of marriage. The announcement was made on social media together with...
As of now, Dreamworks stands ready to walk in Disney’s footsteps with a live-action adaptation of its gentlemen’s animated film series, How to Train Your Dragon....