Crime novels of the South possess an exotic appeal, inviting the reader into the culturally complex and raw complexities of...
Novichok is one of the most devious technologies in the chemical warfare arsenal. It is, in contrast to conventional nerve...
We’ve all met pretentious people who made us feel something about the people around us. Fake relationships, be it friendships, family, or colleagues take a toll...
There are many techniques to have healthy and youthful skin in the world of skincare. One of the newest trends is ice therapy, which has recently...
Jeera water may be prepared by soaking cumin seeds in water and is quite a common natural cure with claims of numerous health advantages. The benefits...
The Tulsi plant which many call Holy Basil is viewed as a sacred relic in several Indian cultures, temples and households. It has a reputation for...
The Statue of Unity is great in its own right and so a must-visit coverage area while in Gujarat. But the appeal of the location further...
Lakshadweep, a group vector of 36 islands, has an average of 25 degrees of temperature all through the year. Additionally, the natural scenery of ideal white...
The Beauty of Ooty – The Queen of Hill Stations Ooty, situated in the Nilgiri Hills – is beautiful in its landscapes and an excellent rich...
Not only does yoga have positive impacts on the body and mind but it is also useful in attaining clear, radiant skin as well. Through the...
The increasing interest of people in yoga is because of the fact that it is believed to be effective in improving physical flexibility as well as...
Birthdays are one of the times when appreciation for close people can be expressed. However, gifts for male friends are sometimes very hard to decide especially...