Patrick Bateman as a concept has been a caricature of immense psychological and sociological criticism ever since he made his first real-world appearance through the character...
For quite a while, Jimmy Kimmel has been one of the smartest and most humorous figures in the late-night talk show world, but 2024 was a...
Jeremy Allen White seems to have been designed for the absolute immersion within the on-screen action – he’s always been an incredible storyteller first. Having started...
It is undeniable that movie sequences which use special effects deeply engross audiences. Whether it is the plot twists, the magnificent visuals, or even real-life monsters....
In 1977 with the introduction of VHS and twenty years later with the advent of DVDs, the first real alternatives to going out to watch a...
Hollywood has always been about extravagance and drama, or as many say, it is show business. Over the last decade, some of the most recognized and...
It’s hard to believe that legends of the silver screen could have been played by anyone else. Sometimes, however, it seems that casting drama in movies...
The blockbuster movies in Hollywood have always been helpful in generating revenues. The figures of the directing, the artistry, and the plot have a lot of...
There is something shocking that all the people who have seen a movie, no matter how many times or at what point in time, which is...
The entertainment world like Hollywood never stops spinning with tales of love found, lost, and rekindled. We’re checking each of the divorce stories in the year...